Here are some thoughts on HomeGroups and Covenants
It is an agreement that the group comes to about the purpose and specifics of your group.
Are covenants biblical?
I found 295verses in the Bible containing the word covenant. 266 times in the Old Testament and 29 in the New Testament. Jesus Himself used it 4 verses.
God's covenants contain two especially important components: terms and duration. Although humans may reach covenants or other agreements through their own devices, God's covenants with people are usually unilateral. He alone determines the terms and conditions; humans choose whether to accept them.
Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
1. It gives your group purpose and identity.
2. It brings the group together as a team with well-defined commitments that deal with expectations and dreams.
3. It allows the needs, hopes, and expectations of group members to be known at the beginning.
4. It helps avoid misunderstandings due to assumptions about how a particular group
should function.
5. It becomes a tool to communicate this information to new members.
6. It assists the leaders of the group in carrying out their function.
7. It becomes the basis for evaluation at the end of a given time period.
8. It sets norms to which people can refer at times of conflict or renegotiation.
1. Assumed - These covenants are allowed to happen implicitly: they are neither discussed, validated, nor written. The groups assume their covenant without working to reach a consensus.
2. Negotiated - Covenants reached through discussion are negotiated. Often, the group leader will give group guidelines for a covenant, but the group will negotiate the details together democratically.
3. Prescribed Covenants - These are covenants that the ministry leaders give to the groups. Group members join the group knowing the covenant has already been established.
1. Goals or Objectives - Group members will have more of a sense of ownership if they have direct input into the goals and purpose of the group.
We recommend at least three:
a. To care for one another
b. To help one another grow in the ways of Jesus Christ
c. To multiply your group at some point.
2. Open or closed groups? – Most all groups agree to keep an “empty chair” at their meetings to remind them that there is someone who needs to be in the group. Should new people be added to the group at any time? Most of the time I’d say yes.
3. Covenant Length / Time Frame
4. Location
5. Frequency
6. Meeting Length
7. Childcare