Living Life Together

“They…met in homes for the Lord’s Supper,

and shared their meals with great joy and generosity…”

Acts 2:46

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Welcome to Your Newsletter.

Read it, share it among your group.

We'll be posting valuable information, upcoming event dates, thoughts, ideas, prayers to help you grow your groups internally and externally in Christ.

Click on the dates to the left of the page for upcoming events info.

To start off.... here is a great quote from Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor of National Community Church in D.C....

“I think we focus too much energy on church growth. I think it's all about personal growth. It's not about growing a big church. It's about growing big people--people who serve sacrificially, give generously, dream ridiculously, and love gracefully…

The way to grow larger is to grow smaller via small groups. I honestly don't think God will grow us beyond our ability to disciple people. And if small groups are our primary context for discipleship, then the number of small groups we have will determine our growth potential as a church.”

Wow, that really put’s an all purpose wrap around home groups. Building Christ-centered relationships that extend outside the church. Think about this… we spend 2-3 hours each week in church, maybe 15 minutes of it is actively sharing with others the rest is listening to the pastors. But in home groups, we spend 2 hours each week actively sharing and pouring into each other’s lives, making deposits and withdrawal’s into our life accounts. That is what Jesus does for us every day. That is what it means to be living IN Jesus and allowing Him to live IN us.